Pilates is the way to go . . . 


In 2005, I started working in the fitness industry. I soon decided that Pilates was the road I wanted to take and qualified at Level 2 in 2006. To further improve my knowledge, I went on to study Pilates Progressions in 2007 followed by Pilates small equipment.

Because of the nature of Pilates and the fact that it tends to attract people with a history of back or joint problems or people with a general lack of mobility, the rules had to change in the fitness industry,

Due to this, I took the decision to take my knowledge further.

I have a great passion for Pilates and over the last 15years of teaching I have seen my clients improve not only their own “Body Awareness” but reduce stress levels, increase mobility and strength, help to eliminate lower back pain, reduce sciatic pain, correct bad shoulder movement, and also increase concentration levels.

Pilates is not a high impact sport but an activity that can be performed by anyone, even those who have never embarked on an exercise routine before. Its movements are slow and controlled.

Things have now changed due to COVID 19 and I have now taken my practice online.

I have included mixed ability classes and also beginners level and now I’m very excited to bring you OPTIMAL HEALTH AND WELL BEING this gives clients an opportunity to totally re haul there lifestyle, a perfect compliment to Pilates.. Giving the framework which will carry them through life with focus and the knowledge they need to live a long and healthy life, bring the best version of themselves !

There are many versions of Pilates, many of these are extremely advanced, making the journey to this level somewhat blurred as there needs to be complete understanding of the principles to fully experience the benefits.

Whether the reason for joining a class or taking personal one to one sessions are clinical or enforcing relaxation, reducing tension or simply for the fitness benefits - I concentrate on helping people embrace the founding principles, so they can take the journey to the outcome which they individually require.

Mel Ashley